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about me

jake hallen | asb secretary @ ths / may '24 - may '25

Hi there! My name is Jake Hallen; I am a Junior at Tracy High School in the small town of Tracy, California. In the THS Student Government Program, I am the ASB Secretary! I was born and raised here, and I have most definitely gained a love and appreciation for this place. This is my third year in leadership and I'm so glad I'm in it. I am assured that applying for leadership was one of the best ideas of my high school career. I enjoy sharing my creative skills with others and challenging myself with things I haven't done before. Around town, I love getting involved in things and networking. You can check out all of my projects and things I do outside of our leadership program on my personal portfolio here!


Jacobson Elementary School: 2013 - 2019
Tom Hawkins Elementary School: 2019 - 2022

Tracy High School: 2022 - Present

During my elementary school years, I was a part of my school's 'Spirit Crew', which was their version of leadership I proudly served 2 years as president, and I most definitely enjoyed it. During my middle school years, I was never in my school's leadership program; Although, I often found myself filling in for others in the program. At Tom Hawkins, I was the school's mascot 'Tommy' for the 2019-2020 school year until virtual learning started. Then, I was also Tommy for the 2021-2022 school year! 

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

- President Ronald Reagan

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